Mouse embryo: 9.5 days post conception

(Theiler stage 14)
  • Embryo dimensions
Embryo length: 3.76 mm

  • Raw magnetic resonance images
Raw MRI data are available as QuickTime movies of consecutive sections passing through the embryo in three orthogonal directions (transverse, horizontal, and sagittal) or as stacks of TIFF sections that may be viewed in any orthogonal direction and sliced at arbitrary orientations or rendered as volumes by using software tools such as Brain_Image or MacCubeView.

QuickTime Movies

(TR=1000, TE=5.5)


(TR=1000, TE=5.5)


(TR=1000, TE=5.5)

QuickTime movies have been prepared on Macintosh. You may want to down load QuickTime Player.

TIFF stacks
TR=1000, TE=5.5
TIFF data sets can be viewed with NIH image. Brain_Image allows arbitrary sectioning of data TIFF stacks (in File, open Stack as Vol...) or MacCubeView (in File, Import Data, Open TIFF Stack (NIH Image)...). These applications also allow 3D visualization of the embryo.

Contacts: Marc Dhenain , or Seth W. Ruffins, or Russell E. Jacobs

This project is supported by The Human Brain Project (NIDA and NIMH) and NCRR.

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